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The Top States People Are Moving To And From in 2024

Interstate migration in the US has become more frequent in recent years. 25.6 million Americans moved in 2023 and surveys show that people are still on the move in 2024. Cultural demographic and economic shifts have a significant impact on American citizen migration. Cost of living, high taxes, retirement, flexible work modes, climate and living closer to family are among the main drivers of inter state migration. Here are top states people are moving to and from in 2024:

Where Are People Moving To In 2024

In recent years, the South has seen the greatest influx of new residents. Here are some of the best states to move to:

The Southern Charm of South Carolina

With its gorgeous landscapes, affordable living and southern charm of the residents, South Carolina. With a strong job market and growing economy, the state made it to the top of the list of most moved to states in 2023 with an inbound rate of 67%.

Everything's Bigger In Texas

The combination of lower costs, more business-friendly policies, available land, lack of income tax, warm climate, and job prospects in Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston, San Antonio and Austin has made Texas an attractive relocation destination for many Americans in recent decades.

Have A Vacation All Year Round In Florida

Apart from its beautiful beaches, affordable lands and diverse culture. The state is one of the few states in the nation that doesn’t require its residents to pay the state income tax. Such factors make Florida a popular relocation destination.

Retire in Delaware

If you have spent your entire life around the beaches of Florida and are wondering about the best state to move to from Florida after your retirement, Delaware is your go to state. Offering a combination of economic advantages, lifestyle amenities and strategic locations Delaware is practically made for retirees.

Fastest Growing Job Industry of The Country

North Carolina has one of the fastest growing job markets in the country. According to Raleigh Reality, the state’s economic forecast predicted a generation of 53,500 new jobs in North Carolina this year. This accompanied with the relatively cheaper cost of living aided North Carolina to fall under the list of most moved to states in 2023.

What States are People moving out of?

Previously we’ve talked about the inflation relocation states of 2024. Now the question is what states are they leaving behind and what are the reasons behind their relocation. Let’s talk about the few states people have relocated from and the drivers of their relocation.

Illinois, Most leaved State Of The Past Decade:

Illinois is among the top outbound states in 2023. Budget deficits combined with consistently increasing crime rates, high taxes and high cost of living resulted in a 62% outbound rate.

Living Is Expensive in California

Despite the decent climate and strong tech industry, the ever increasing cost of living, high income taxes and declining job opportunities have made residents and digital nomads move out of the state.

The Empire State Is Not For Everyone

With rising cost of living, inflation, lack of well paying jobs and more flexible remote work options, many new yorkers are deciding to move out of the state. According to a report by USA today, around half a million residents decided to leave New York in 2022.

New Jersey

Many people are leaving New Jersey due to several significant factors. First and foremost is the state's high cost of living, driven primarily by expensive housing and property taxes. Additionally, Quality of life concerns such as traffic congestion, crowded schools, and urban sprawl further influence decisions to relocate.

Colorado; The State For Leftists

The recent shift in Colorado’s politics have made conservatives leave the state. While politics is a small factor, many people leave the state because of increased inflation and low quality of life.

Why are People Moving?

People move because of several reasons depending on their circumstances.If you are wondering “should I move to another state” in this inflation. Here are some of the factors you can consider before moving:

  • Work: Work is among the top drivers for migration. People either move to get closer to their job or insearch of better opportunities. Military families often move due to change of station.
  • Family: Many people, particularly the ones with aging parents or sick relatives relocate to be closer to their families.
  • Quality of life: Post the COVID 19 Pandemic, many families and working professionals decided that the city life is not for them. still choosing to stay in low cost communities with cheaper housing and peaceful life.
  • Education: A large number of Americans leave their state for states with better educational opportunities.
  • Retirement: Many retirees move for an affordable lifestyle and access to quality health and lifestyle facilities.


Moving trends keep shifting based on several factors, however one thing that remains constant while moving is shifting of cars. If you’re worried about safely shipping your car while moving to another state, pick genius auto trans today.

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